
Current filters in use: history of law

Now showing items 31-40 of 164

Gesammelte Schriften von Theodor Mommsen. I. Abteilung, Juristische Schriften. Erster Band
Mommsen, Theodor
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Last updated: 2019-10-03
Storia del diritto romano privato dalle origini alle compilazioni guistinianee
Costa, Emilio
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Last updated: 2019-10-04
Trattato della gestione degli affari altrui secondo il diritto romano e civile
Pacchioni, Giovanni
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-13
Lehrbuch der Institutionen des römischen Rechtes
Czyhlarz, Carl
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-11
Lehrbuch der Institutionen des römischen Rechtes
Czyhlarz, Carl
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-11
Problems of the Roman criminal law : in two volumes. Volume II
Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-13
Problems of the Roman criminal law : in two volumes. Volume I
Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-13
Einführung in das Studium der Digesten
Schulz, Fritz
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-11-19
Die oströmischen Digestenkommentare und die entstehung der Digesten
Peters, Hans
This item has no abstract
Last updated: 2020-12-04